Title Description Video
Alba Castellani - Italy

Alba Castellani è la figlia di un oppositore al regime nazifascista, arrestato e deportato nel campo di concentramento di Flossenbürg nel 1944. Sopravvissuto alla deportazione, il padre di Alba non fu mai più lo stesso, portandosi dietro i dolorosi strascichi della prigionia nel lager. Da sempre impegnata nella valorizzazione della memoria, in questa intervista Alba racconta la drammatica storia di suo padre e di come l’internamento nel campo di concentramento lo abbia cambiato per sempre.

(Intervista: Comune di Cinisello Balsamo)


Alba Castellani is the daughter of an opponent to the Nazi-Fascist regime who was arrested and deported to the Flossenbürg concentration camp in 1944. After surviving the deportation, Alba's father was never the same again, carrying with him the painful aftermath of his imprisonment in the camp. Always committed to memory, in this interview Alba tells the dramatic story of her father and how internment in the concentration camp changed him forever.

(Interview: Municipality of Cinisello Balsamo)


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A.B. - Afghanistan/Italy

Nata e cresciuta in Afghanistan, A.B. ha dovuto lasciare il Paese natio a causa della guerra, separandosi dal marito, dai nonni e dagli amici. Arrivata in Italia ha dovuto poi affrontare diversi ostacoli sul suo percorso verso l’integrazione e la ricostruzione della sua nuova vita.

(Intervista: Comune di Cinisello Balsamo)


Born and raised in Afghanistan, A.B. had to leave her home country because of the war, leaving her husband, her grandparents and her friends. After her arrival in Italy, she faced several obstacles on her way to integration and to rebuild her new life.

(Interview: Municipality of Cinisello Balsamo)


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Marsida Curaj - Italy

Marsida si è fin da subito confrontata con la discriminazione: dapprima trattata diversamente per le sue origini straniere, si è poi scontrata con la discriminazione di genere. Nella sua testimonianza Marsida racconta le difficoltà che le donne ancora oggi incontrano nella società e in particolare nel mondo lavorativo, riportandone i pregiudizi e le storture.

(Intervista: Comune di Cinisello Balsamo)


Marsida always dealed with discrimination: first for her foreign origin, then she faced gender discrimination. In her testimony, Marsida talks about the difficulties women still face today in society and particularly in the working world, reporting on prejudices and distortions.

(Interview: Municipality of Cinisello Balsamo)


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Ludovica Billi - Italy

Sorda dalla nascita, Ludovica Billi ha passato gli ultimi anni a sensibilizzare le persone sulle difficoltà che le persone sorde devono affrontare ogni giorno. Tramite le pagine social di The Deaf Soul, fondate insieme all’amica Chiara Bucello, porta avanti la sua campagna contro le discriminazioni verso le persone sorde o con difficoltà uditive. In questa intervista racconta gli atteggiamenti e gli episodi più spiacevoli che l’hanno toccata, e dà un suo personale punto di vista su come evitare che certi comportamenti si ripetano.

(Intervista: Comune di Cinisello Balsamo)


Deaf since her birth, Ludovica Billi has spent the last few years raising awareness about the difficulties deaf people face every day. Through the social media pages of The Deaf Soul, founded together with her friend Chiara Bucello, she conducts her campaign to face discrimination against deaf people or people with hearing difficulties. In this interview she talks about the most unpleasant attitudes and episodes that happened to her, and gives her personal point of view on how to prevent certain behaviours from happening again.

(Interview: Municipality of Cinisello Balsamo)


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Video Interviews - Presentation

Video excerpts of some video interviews conducted by the project partners.

Video con gli estratti di alcune videointerviste realizzate dai partner di progetto.


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Davide - Italy

Davide plays “baskin” and he lives in a community with people with disabilities. In this video-interview he talks about this particular sport, that is the combination between basketball and inclusion. Davide's testimony offers a chance to reflect on the importance of confrontation and dialogue.

(Interview: Municipality of Cinisello Balsamo)


Davide gioca a “baskin” e abita in una comunità per disabili. In questa videointervista racconta di come si sente quando gioca a questo particolare sport, che è l’unione di basket e inclusione. La testimonianza di Davide offre uno spunto di riflessione sull’importanza del confronto e del dialogo.

(Intervista: Comune di Cinisello Balsamo)


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Chiara Bucello - Italy

Deaf since her birth, Chiara Bucello has spent the last few years raising awareness about the difficulties deaf people face every day. Through the social media pages of  The Deaf Soul, founded together with her friend Ludovica Billi, she conducts her campaign to face discrimination against deaf people or people with hearing difficulties. In this interview she talks about the most unpleasant attitudes and episodes that happened to her, and gives her personal point of view on how to prevent certain behaviours from happening again.

(Interview: Municipality of Cinisello Balsamo)


Sorda dalla nascita, Chiara Bucello ha passato gli ultimi anni a sensibilizzare le persone sulle difficoltà che le persone sorde devono affrontare ogni giorno. Tramite le pagine social di The Deaf Soul, fondate insieme all’amica Ludovica Billi, porta avanti la sua campagna contro le discriminazioni verso le persone sorde o con difficoltà uditive. In questa intervista racconta gli atteggiamenti e gli episodi più spiacevoli che l’hanno toccata, e dà un suo personale punto di vista su come evitare che certi comportamenti si ripetano.

(Intervista: Comune di Cinisello Balsamo)


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Shmuel Yatom - Lithuania

Shmuel Yatom was born in 1965. He is the Chantor of Vilnius Choral Sinagogue. In the interview, he describes how the Holocaust heavily influenced the life of his father and of his home shtetl - Annipol - in Ukraine. Shmuel's father was the only inhabitant of the shtetl to survive the Holocaust.

(Interview: Vytautas Magnus University)


Shmuel Yatom gimė 1965. Jis yra Vilniaus choralinės sinagogos kantorius. Įrašė jis pasaskoja, kaip Holokaustas sunkiai paveikė jo tėvo gyvenimą bei jo štetlo - Anapolio (Ukraina) - likimą. Jo tėvas buvo vienintelis štetlo gyventojas, išlikęs gyvas po Holokausto.

(Interviu: Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas)

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Meyr Zelceris - Lithuania

Meyr Zelceris gimė 1930 metais Vilniuje. Įraše jis pasakoja, kaip Antrasis pasaulinis karas ir Holokaustas paveikė jo paties gyvenimą. Prasidėjus karui, jam su šeima pavyko pabėgti į Uzbekistaną. Į Lietuvą po karo grįžo tik jis su motina.

(Interviu: Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas)


Meyr Zelcer was born in 1930 in Vilnius. In the interview, he describes the impact of the war and the Holocaust on his life. As a young boy, he was was successful at escaping to Uzbekistan. Only he and his mother came back from displacement after the war.

(Interview: Vytautas Magnus University)


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Fruma Kučinskienė - Lithuania

Fruma Kučinskienė was born in Kaunas in 1933. In the interview she describes the impact of the German occupation on the lives of her family and her own memories about life in the Kaunas ghetto during the Second World War. She was the only person in her family to survive the Holocaust.

(Interview: Vytautas Magnus University)


Fruma Kučinskienė gimė Kaune 1933 metais. Įraše ji pasakoja, kaip vokiečių okupacija paveikė jos šeimos bei jos pačios gyvenimus, taip pat savo atsiminimus apie gyvenimą Kauno gete Antrojo pasaulinio karo metais. Fruma buvo vienintelis šeimos narys, kuriam pavykio išsigelbėti.

(Interviu: Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas)


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